00048739-r 'without delay or hesitation';
Czech okamžitě , hned , ihned
Chinese (simplified) 马上 , 立即 , 即刻 , 立刻 , 直接
English immediately 46 ( ) , at once 24 , instantly 10 , right away 10 , now 9 , directly 9 , straightaway 1 , forthwith 1 , straight off , like a shot , straight away , ''tout de suite'' , without delay
Indonesian segera , serta-merta , lantas , sekarang , berabad-abad , terus , serentak , langsung , sekejap mata , seketika
Italian prontamente , immediatamente , in tempo reale , diviato , difilato , tosto , ora , subito , tantosto , istantaneamente , immantinente , all'-impronta , all'istante
Japanese たちどころに , すぐ , じきに , さっそく , 咄嗟に , 時を移さず , とっさに , すぐに , 直ぐ様 , 立所に , 唯今 , 立ち所に , 即刻 , 即時 , 程無く , 直ちに , 直様 , 登時 , 直ぐに , 直ぐと , 透かさず , 直ぐ , , たちまち , 矢庭に , 忽ち , 即座に , 早速 , ただちに , すぐさま
Malaysian segera , serta-merta , lantas , sekarang , berabad-abad , terus , serentak , langsung
In modo istantaneo, immediato, senza intervalli di tempo
without delay or hesitation
with no time intervening
he answered immediately; found an answer straightaway; an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith; Come here now!
彼はすぐに答えた; 直ちに答えを見つけた; 不正で起訴された職員は、直ちに停職にするべきである; すぐここに来て!
Semantic Field: allr
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TempoWN: (Past: 0.002; Present: 0.997; Future: 0.000)

SentiWN: (+0.00 -0.38) MLSentiCon: (+0.12 -0.38)


(0.02380 seconds)
More detail about the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet (1.3)
Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>