08497294-n 'a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography)';
Czech oblast , kraj , region , prostor , území
Chinese (simplified) 地区 , , , 国家区域 , 领域 , 国家 区域 , , , 区域
Inggeris area 146 ( ) , country 3
Bahasa Indonesia zon , daerah , kawasan , bidang , wilayah , lapangan
Italian comprensorio , zona , regione , area , località
Japanese エリア , エリヤ , ゾーン , 領域 , 地帯 , 地区 , 地域 , 地方 , 一画 , 一廓 , 区域 , 一郭
Bahasa Malaysia zon , daerah , kawasan , bidang , wilayah , lapangan
そこは山岳地帯だった; 聖書の国
a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography)
it was a mountainous area; Bible country
Hyponym: staging_area resort_area open no_man's_land center free_port broadcast_area danger anchorage rain_shadow winner's_circle bed_ground arena section corner corner haunt space block scene disaster_area high_country hunting_ground neighborhood no-go_area tank_farm hearth shrubbery safety retreat quadrant quadrant genchi_place
Hypernym: region
Instance: bermuda_triangle
Semantic Field: locationn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>