Results for « bidang » (ind)
05999134-n (2)
     an area of knowledge or interest
01097119-n (10)
field, field of operation, line of business
     a particular kind of commercial enterprise
09448945-n (3)
bahagian, bentangan, jalur, bidang
     a large and unbroken expanse or distance
02560548-a (59)
awah, rua, lawas, bidang, luas, terbentang luas, lebar, lapang
wide, broad
     having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other
07965937-n (34)
alam semesta, bidang, dunia
world, domain
     people in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest
00582388-n (99)
minat, bisnis, kegiatan, urusan, tugas, kerja, profesion, bidang, pekerjaan, jawatan
job, business, occupation, line, line of work
     the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money
09393605-n (8)
dataran rendah, bidang kegiatan, dataran, padang, bendang, tanah datar, kawasan, bidang, ladang, keahlian
field, plain, champaign
     extensive tract of level open land
05853100-n (5)
sektor, bidang
sector, sphere
     a particular aspect of life or activity
14513259-n (3)
kedudukan, persekitaran, ruang lingkup, jangkauan, bidang, skop, lingkup, latar belakang
setting, background, scope
     the state of the environment in which a situation exists
bidang      a sortal classifier used for wide objects, such as a rice field, a land or a farm
00583461-n (2)
pengkhususan, spesialisasi, ciptaan khusus, bidang
specialization, specialisation, specialty, speciality, specialism
     the special line of work you have adopted as your career
01382086-a (246)
gedang, terbesar, banyak, besar, bidang, ramai, luas, gadang, gede
large, big
     above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
02735688-n (8)
daerah, kawasan, bidang, area, lapangan
     a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function
daerah, domain, bidang, dunia
region, realm
     a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about
14514039-n (28)
sfera, arena, persekitaran, orbit, gelanggang, medan, daerah, peredaran, kawasan, domain, bidang, wilayah, tanah milik, ranah, lingkungan sosial
area, field, sphere, domain, arena, orbit
     a particular environment or walk of life
13861050-n (16)
permukaan, bidang, satah
plane, sheet
     [in mathematics] an unbounded two-dimensional shape
05805157-n (2)
ken, cognizance
     range of what one can know or understand
05087061-n (1)
jarak, rentang, bidang, buka
     the distance or interval between two points
05128519-n (8)
ukuran luas, keluasan, bidang, seluas, ruang
area, surface area, expanse
     the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary
08673395-n (3)
kawasan, bidang, area
tract, parcel, piece of land, piece of ground, parcel of land
     an extended area of land
13941806-n (3)
permukaan, tahap, bidang
     a level of existence or development
05136150-n (6)
kelebaran, bidang, luas, buka, lebar, lebarnya
width, breadth
     the extent of something from side to side
05618293-n (2)
kelebaran, keluasan, bidang, luas, bukanya, lebar, lebarnya
breadth, largeness, comprehensiveness
     the capacity to understand a broad range of topics
14514805-n (10)
kekaisaran, negeri, kerajaan, negara, bidang, ranah, dunia
realm, land, kingdom
     a domain in which something is dominant
05815517-n (27)
daerah, kawasan, bidang, lapangan
     a subject of study
13926168-n (1)
jurusan, bidang, relung
     a position particularly well suited to the person who or organization which occupies it
08497294-n (149)
zon, daerah, kawasan, bidang, wilayah, lapangan
area, country
     a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography)


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