10372373-n 'a worker who holds or is invested with an office';
Czech činovník , veřejný činitel , úředník , funkcionář
Chinese (simplified) 职员 , 公务员 , , 做负责人或行使特殊使命的人 , 官员 , 做 负责人 或 行使 特殊 使命 的 人
English official 23 ( ) , functionary ( )
Indonesian kakitangan , pegawai kerajaan , pegawai-pegawai , pegawai , pekerja
Italian magistrato , ufficiale , funzionario , pubblico ufficiale , uficiale , ufiziale , uffiziale
Japanese 吏員 , 官吏 , 公務員
Malaysian kakitangan , pegawai kerajaan , pegawai-pegawai , pegawai , pekerja
a worker who holds or is invested with an office
Hyponym: invalidator vizier bailiff fire_warden fire_marshall incumbent registrar comptroller_general diplomat appointee comptroller_of_the_currency censor teller apparatchik holdover usher city_father mandarin weigher prosecutor recruiter searcher civil_servant hearing_examiner returning_officer regulator equerry census_taker postmaster_general caretaker agent licenser provincial elected_official officeholder notary macebearer beadle judge proconsul noticer quaestor town_clerk bureaucrat commissar sealer inquisitor church_officer jack-in-office low ranking official
Hypernym: skilled_worker
Semantic Field: personn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>