00007015-r '(of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct';
Chinese (simplified) 将近 , 或多或少 , 大概 , 大约 , 差不多 , 大致 , 约摸 , 左右
English about 55 , approximately 26 , more or less 11 , roughly 9 , or so 8 , close to 3 , just about 2 , some 2 , around 2 , almost , nearly , near , loosely
Indonesian keliling , sebagian , sekitar , mengelilingi , berkeliling , lebih kurang , hampir , kira , beberapa , kira-kira
Japanese 大凡 , 先ず , 粗粗 , 無慮 , 近くに , ざっと , ほぼ , , ほとんど , 殆ど , およそ , 凡そ , , かれこれ , , おおよそ , 粗々
(of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct
lasted approximately an hour; 20 or so people were at the party; in just about a minute; he's about 30 years old; I've had about all I can stand; we meet about once a month
およそ1時間続いた;20人ほどはパーティーにいた; だいたい1分で; 彼はおよそ30才である; 我慢できるものはだいたい経験した; 我々は、だいたい月に一度会う
Semantic Field: allr
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>