Results for « hampir » (ind)
00448314-a (9)
dekat, hampir
at hand, impending, imminent, close at hand, impendent
     close in time; about to occur
02053941-v (71)
V1, V2
meningkat, merapati, berbaik, merapat, mendekat, mendekati, ayo, hampir, memarani, meloncer, membubung, menghampiri
approach, near, come on, go up, draw near, come near, draw close
     move towards
00444519-a (50)
berhampiran, bersebelahan, dekat, bergandingan, rapat, merapat, berdekatan, hampir
near, close, nigh, nearby, close to, close by
     not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances
02703952-v (12)
mendekat, mendekati, hampir, memarani, menghampiri
approach, border on
     come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character
00446921-a (38)
dekat, rapat, ketat, hampir
     at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other
00452883-a (3)
hampir, wahai, sayang
good, dear, near
     with or in a close or intimate relationship
00073033-r (236)
dekat, benar-benar, hampir-hampir, nyaris, rapat, betul-betul, hampir
almost, nearly, virtually, about, most, near, well-nigh, nigh
     (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but
00221429-r (3)
     in a narrow manner; not allowing for exceptions
hampir, ambang
     border on; come close to
00007015-r (118)
keliling, sebagian, sekitar, mengelilingi, berkeliling, lebih kurang, hampir, kira, beberapa, kira-kira
about, approximately, more or less, roughly, or so, close to, just about, some, around, almost, nearly, near, loosely
     (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct


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