06746005-n 'a statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation';
Chinese (simplified) 答复 , 回答
English answer 29 ( ) , reply 21 ( ) , response 6
Indonesian bersahut , reaksi , sahutan , balasan
Japanese レスポンス , 受け答え , リスポンス , 報答 , 返し , 応答 , 復答 , 回申 , 回答 , 回章 , 応え , 返答 , 返書 , 言承け , 受答え , 言承 , 返り事 , 返事 , 返信 , 返り言 , 返辞 , 答申 , レス , 答え , 答弁書 , 答弁 , 答酬 , , リプライ , 応酬 , 受答 , アンサー
a statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation
I waited several days for his answer; he wrote replies to several of his critics
私は数日間、彼の答えを待った; 彼はその批評家の数人に返事をした
Hyponym: feedback rescript
Hypernym: statement
Semantic Field: communicationn
External Links

SUMO: ⊂ Answering

TempoWN: (Past: 0.000; Present: 0.272; Future: 0.001)

SentiWN: (+0.00 -0.00) MLSentiCon: (+0.12 -0.25)


(0.02248 seconds)
More detail about the Open Multilingual Wordnet (1.3)
This project is now integrated in the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet (1.3)
Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>