Results for « balasan » (ind)
01160342-n (18)
hukuman, penalti, hukum, denda, balasan
punishment, penalty, penalization, penalisation
     the act of punishing
ganjaran, kutukan, racun, musibah, kesengsaraan, balasan, malapetaka
scourge, curse, bane, nemesis
     sesuatu yang menyebabkan kesengsaraan atau kematian
pengembalian, pemulihan, balasan
return, paying back, getting even
     a reciprocal group action
06746005-n (56)
bersahut, reaksi, sahutan, balasan
answer, reply, response
     a statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation
00859001-n (18)
reaksi, balasan
response, reaction
     a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some antecedent stimulus or agent
reaksi, jawab, sambutan, balasan
     a nonverbal reaction
hukuman, pukulan, balasan
beating, thrashing, licking, drubbing, lacing, trouncing, whacking
     the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows
07199565-n (2)
sambutan, balasan
reply, response
     the speech act of continuing a conversational exchange
13300828-n (1)
hukuman, retribusi, balasan
retribution, requital
     a justly deserved penalty
11416988-n (11)
respons, reaksi, sambutan, balasan
     a result


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