02273293-v 'take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority'; V2; 
Chinese (simplified) 查封 , 查抄 , 没收 , 扣押
English seize 3 ( ) , confiscate 2 ( ) , sequester ( ) , attach ( ) , impound ( )
Indonesian melampirkan , merebut , meruntunkan , membekam , menyita , merenggut , rampas , mencekam , meruntun , mencengkam , merejeng , merampasi , menyewat , melampiri , mengambil , cerkau , menangkap , membekuk , menahan , menggayuk , mencantumkan , merampas , membeslah
Japanese 取りあげる , 召しあげる , 取上げる , 差押さえる , 没取+する , 差押える , 差し押さえる , 取り上げる , 接収+する , 押さえる , 押収+する , 押える , 没収 , 没取 , 接収 , さし押さえる , 押収 , 召上げる , 没収+する , 召し上げる
take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority
The FBI seized the drugs; The customs agents impounded the illegal shipment; The police confiscated the stolen artwork
FBIはドラッグを差押えた; 税関職員は違法荷物を差し押さえた; 警察は盗まれた工芸品を押収した
Hyponym: condemn distrain garnishee
Hypernym: take
Semantic Field: possessionv
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s something;  
External Links

SUMO: ⊂ SeizingProperty

TempoWN: (Past: 0.000; Present: 0.056; Future: 0.000)

SentiWN: (+0.00 -0.00) MLSentiCon: (+0.12 -0.12)


(0.02522 seconds)
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>