00410247-n 'a customary way of operation or behavior';
Chinese (simplified) 模式 , 惯例
English practice 23 ( ) , pattern 22 ( )
Indonesian pola , corak , amalan , kebiasaan , kelaziman
Japanese 常習 , パタン , 御定まり , 慣わし , 習わし , 風儀 , 習慣 , お定り , パターン , 定型 , 手風 , , 慣例 , お定まり , 慣行 , 行動様式 , 御定 , 御定り , 習癖 , 習俗 , 定規
a customary way of operation or behavior
it is their practice to give annual raises; they changed their dietary pattern
毎年給料を上げるのが彼らのならわしだ; 彼らは食事の習慣を変えた
Hyponym: biologism calisthenics cannibalism careerism cooperation custom fashion featherbedding formalism habitude lobbyism lynch_law mistreatment modernism nonconformism nudism occult one-upmanship ornamentalism peonage pluralism popery quotation ritual ritualism slavery symbolism systematism transvestism unwritten_law
Hypernym: activity
Semantic Field: actn
External Links

SUMO: = SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute

TempoWN: (Past: 0.000; Present: 0.002; Future: 0.868)

SentiWN: (+0.25 -0.12) MLSentiCon: (+0.25 -0.12)


(0.02888 seconds)
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>