Results for « corak » (ind)
03179318-n (1)
     a preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something
05930736-n (68)
berbentuk, corak, bentuk
form, pattern, shape
     a perceptual structure
05938795-n (1)
teladan, corak, contoh, bentukan
     a model considered worthy of imitation
05902327-n (4)
rencana, motif, maksud, pola, model, tujuan, format, corak, reka bentuk, bentukan
design, pattern, blueprint
     something intended as a guide for making something else
05938976-n (1)
penunjuk, pola, corak
guide, template, templet
     a model or standard for making comparisons
00410247-n (45)
pola, corak, amalan, kebiasaan, kelaziman
practice, pattern
     a customary way of operation or behavior
00142191-v (15)
mencetak, berbentuk, corak, membentuk, bentuk
form, shape
     give shape or form to
03789014-n (5)
motif, corak
motif, motive
     a design or figure that consists of recurring shapes or colors, as in architecture or decoration
00027807-n (14)
berbentuk, corak, bentuk
form, shape
     the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance
03178782-n (11)
ragi, lukisan, desain, corak
pattern, design, figure
     a decorative or artistic work


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