10 Results for: (Concept:06536853-n)
60207 三十日 今日 俄罗斯 普列瓦诺夫 副总理 强调 必须 改变 政府 经济 路线 强化 国家 企业 领导 同时 指出 我们 目标 通过 法案 过去 错误 私营化 企业 再次 国营化

According to the Segodnya newspaper dated the 30th , Vice_Prime_Minister_Vladimir_Polevanov emphasized , " We need the shift of governmental economic strategy , as well as stronger national leadership over businesses , " and announced , " We aim to adopt a bill to re-nationalize the firms that have been inappropriately privatized . " (eng)

61499 预计 政府 预定 下旬 召开 定期 国会 提出 地方 分权 推进 法案

During the regular Diet session scheduled to convene in the end of this month , the government is expected to table the legislative bill to promote decentralization . (eng)

61508 大纲 方针 加进 推进 权利 国家 移交 自治体 健全 治体 财政 基础 内容 同时 表明 定期 国会 提出 地方 分权 推进 法案

The policy outline incorporates the promotion of transferring authority from the central government to the local governments , the enhancement of the local fiscal base and other concerned matters in addition to the clear indication that the legislative bill to promote decentralization will be tabled during the regular Diet session . (eng)

61511 今后 焦点 根据 大纲 方针 制定 什么样 地方 分权 推进 法案 国会 提出

From now on , the focal point will be what decentralization bill will be prepared to be tabled at the Diet based on the policy outline . (eng)

61512 目前 预计 法案 2月 中旬 国会 提出 五十 广 官房 长官 接受 新闻 采访 无论 如何 国会 通过

At present , it is expected that this bill will be proposed at the Diet by mid February , and the Chief_Cabinet_Secretary , Kozo_Igarashi , stated in an interview with the Mainichi_Newspapers that , " this bill will have to be enacted during the coming Diet session at any cost . " (eng)

61513 决心 虽然 但是 重要 法案 内容

That determination sounds great , but what is more important is the substance of the bill . (eng)

61520 抽去 主要 内容 法案

We do not need an emasculated bill . (eng)

61804 参考 美国 例子 我国 综合 研究 开发 机构 正在 进行 致力于 行政 企业 难以 问题 市民 活动 组织 作为 第三 力量 定位 有关 市民 公益 活动 基础 整顿 调查 研究 提议 制定 民间 公益 活动 基本法 另外 新党 先驱 开始 设立 制定 法案 研究 计划

Seeing the American system as a model , here in Japan_the_National_Institute_for_Research_Advancement ( NIRA ) has pushed ahead with " the study on developing a foundation for citizens ' public-interest activities " which places civil activity organizations as a_third force in addressing problems difficult for government and companies to handle , and while it proposes the enactment of the " Fundamental Civic_Non-Profit_Activity_Law , " the New_Harbinger_Party_Sakigake got the study project to draft the bill off the ground . (eng)

61810 当然 市民 团体 必须 更加 认识 社会 责任 打破 行政 承办人 存在 加强 政策 提案 组织 能力

As a matter of course , it will be necessary for the citizens ' groups to become further aware of their social responsibility to grow out of their government subcontractor-like status and to reinforce the organizational skills to bring forward policy proposals . (eng)

61977 面临 选举 国会 过去 政府 往往 国民 带来 阵痛 法案 编制 盛大 预算 执政党 在野党 始终 进行 有利于 自己 宣传 合战 避开 论战 倾向

In the case of a regular Diet session with upcoming elections , it has been a familiar practice where the government tends to hold back the bills that might cause pain to the people and draw up a lavish budget , and both the ruling and opposition parties tend to be preoccupied with advertising campaigns attempting to turn every argument to make themselves look good while avoiding actual debates . (eng)

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