00134701-a 'suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc';
Chinese (simplified) 适当 , 适当+的 , 适合+的 , 适合
English appropriate 29 ( )
Indonesian sewajar , berpatutan , cocok , setimpal , berpadanan , wajar , sepadan , sewajarnya , sebati , sesuai , berkenaan
Italian appropriato
Japanese 剴切 , 順当 , 似合わしい , 妥当 , 適正 , 適した , 相応しい , 似つかわしい , 似つかわしげ , 似付かわしげ , 似付かわしい , 似つこらしい , 其れ相当 , 其れ相応 , 然る可き , 然るべき , 適度 , 適切 , 適当 , それ相応 , それ相当 , 相応
Malaysian sewajar , berpatutan , cocok , setimpal , berpadanan , wajar , sepadan , sewajarnya , sebati , sesuai , berkenaan
suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
a book not appropriate for children; a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity; it seems that an apology is appropriate
子供には適切でない本; 葬式は、しかるべき厳粛さで行われた; 謝罪が適切であるように思える
See also: apropos proper
Attributes: appropriateness
Similar to: grade-appropriate pat proper befitting
Antonym: inappropriate
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>