00743344-v 'be in or establish communication with'; V2; 
Chinese (simplified) 取得 联系 , 联络 到 , 联络到 , 取得联系 , 沟通
Inggeris reach 22 , contact 10 ( ) , get through , get hold of
Bahasa Indonesia menjangkau , mendarat , menyinggung , sampai , tiba di , mencapai , menghubungi , sampai di/ke , berhasil , berhubungan , hubung , tiba , sampai ke , berurusan
Italian raggiungere , contattare
Japanese 連絡+する , コンタクトを取る , 連絡
Bahasa Malaysia menjangkau , mendarat , menyinggung , sampai , tiba di , berhasil , hubung , mencapai , sampai di/ke , berhubungan , tiba , sampai ke , menghubungi , berurusan
be in or establish communication with
Our advertisements reach millions; He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia
私たちの広告は数百万に達する; オーストラリアに移住した後、彼は子供に決して連絡しなかった
Hyponym: ping raise ping
Hypernym: communicate
Instance: communicate
Semantic Field: communicationv
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s somebody;   Something ----s somebody;  
External Links


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More detail about the NTUMC+ Open Multilingual Wordnet (0.9)
This project is now integrated in the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet (0.9)
Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>