15122231-n 'an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities)';
Czech čas , období , doba , údobí
Chinese (simplified) 时候 , , 时分 , 时节 , 时代 , 时辰 , 时间 , 无期限
English time 114 ( )
Indonesian jangka masa , era , tempoh , ukuran berirama , selama , masa , kala , zaman , pukul , waktu
Italian periodo , tempo
Japanese 折り , 時間 , タイム , , 時代 , , とき , 時期 , , , -頃 , -ころ , ころ
Malaysian jangka masa , era , tempoh , ukuran berirama , selama , masa , kala , zaman , pukul , waktu
定めのない期間(通常、特定の属性または、活動に特徴付けられる) (takkur)
彼は長いこと待った; 植え付けの時期; 生前、彼は偉大な俳優だった
an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities)
he waited a long time; the time of year for planting; he was a great actor in his time
intervallo di tempo indefinito
dopo aver aspettato per un tempo abbastanza lungo
Hyponym: moment hard_times ephemera dead space_age day wee incarnation while whenever 77000103-n when
Hypernym: time_period
Semantic Field: timen
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>