76000000-x 'an expression that is uttered to show surprise or wonder';
Chinese (simplified) , , , , 乖乖 , , 哦呵 , , 啊呀 , , , 吭哟 , 喔哟 , 哇塞 , 哎呀 , , , , 啊哈 , , , 哎哟 , , , , 好家伙 , 哎呀妈呀 , 天啊 , , , 嘻嘻 , , , , 啊哟 , 嘿嘿 , , , 我的天啊
English well , dear , ah , why , ha , wow , hey , oh , no way , gad , son of a bitch , whoosh , humph , whoof , mercy , say , man , gee-whiz , gracious , phew , upon my soul , golly , caramba , my , hollo , lord , good , boy , what , alack , dear me , crazy , whew , goodness , cor , doggone , gosh , zounds , huh , indeed , ho , gee , so , deuce , oh no , coo , heigh , yow , oho , jiminy , heck , hoo-ha , heigh-ho , heyday , upon my word , blimey , the devil , shit , oh dear , dear knows , goodness me , goodness gracious , my goodness , no , jeez , geez , oh my , my my , my oh my , ooh la la , OMG , oh my god , oh my gosh , oh god , oh mi god , holy moley , my god , good heavens , good heaven , my word , by jove , haha , hahaha , by thunder , by heaven
Japanese ほう
an expression that is uttered to show surprise or wonder
Domain–Usage: utterance
Semantic Field: unknown
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More detail about the NTUMC+ Open Multilingual Wordnet (0.9)
This project is now integrated in the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet (0.9)
Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>