Results for « so » (eng)
00146926-r (73)
so      in such a condition or manner, especially as expressed or implied
sol, soh, so      the syllable naming the fifth (dominant) note of any musical scale in solmization
00147126-r (7)
so      to a certain unspecified extent or degree
00037641-r (66)
indeed, so      in truth (often tends to intensify)
00117620-r (410)
then, and then, so, and so      subsequently or soon afterward
00118363-r (79)
so, in order, so as      in a manner that facilitates
00147272-r (6)
so      in the same way; also
00043003-r (203)
thus, therefore, hence, so, thence      from that fact or reason or as a result
ha, yes, aha, hear, huzzah, hubba-hubba, ole, zowie, keno, so, wahoo, hurrah, fabulous, fantastic, great, awesome, marvellous, super, swell, cheers, excellent, yay, hooray, yeehaw, yee-haw, ta-da, ta da, voila, haha, hahaha, hurray, woot, w00t, mwah ha ha, bwah ha ha      an expression that is uttered to show approval, triumph or enthusiasm
00121135-r (57)
thus, so, thusly      in the way indicated
well, dear, ah, why, ha, wow, hey, oh, no way, gad, son of a bitch, whoosh, humph, whoof, mercy, say, man, gee-whiz, gracious, phew, upon my soul, golly, caramba, my, hollo, lord, good, boy, what, alack, dear me, crazy, whew, goodness, cor, doggone, gosh, zounds, huh, indeed, ho, gee, so, deuce, oh no, coo, heigh, yow, oho, jiminy, heck, hoo-ha, heigh-ho, heyday, upon my word, blimey, the devil, shit, oh dear, dear knows, goodness me, goodness gracious, my goodness, no, jeez, geez, oh my, my my, my oh my, ooh la la, OMG, oh my god, oh my gosh, oh god, oh mi god, holy moley, my god, good heavens, good heaven, my word, by jove, haha, hahaha, by thunder, by heaven      an expression that is uttered to show surprise or wonder
00146763-r (1)
so      to an extent or degree as expressed
00146594-r (322)
so      to a very great extent or degree


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