13464820-n 'a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage)';
Chinese (simplified) 进化 , 发展 , 生长 , 演变 , 成长
English development 46 ( ) , evolution 5 ( )
Indonesian maju , kemajuan , pembinaan , evolusi , perkembangan , pembangunan
Japanese 進化 , 進展 , 進歩 , 発展 , 展開 , エヴォリューション , 発達 , エボリューション
彼の考えが進展するのに長い年月がかかった; ギリシア文明の発展; ゆっくりと進展した物書きとしての彼女の才能
a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage)
the development of his ideas took many years; the evolution of Greek civilization; the slow development of her skill as a writer
Hyponym: assibilation deepening growth unfolding
Hypernym: process
Antonym: degeneration
Semantic Field: processn
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