00920336-v 'find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort'; V2; 
English see 27 , find out 1 , check ( ) , learn , ascertain ( ) , determine ( ) , watch
Indonesian belajar , tengok , menetapkan , menyaba , mengekol , memeriksa , mengetahui , membaca , menetak , bertemu , mencocokkan , menemukan , mempelajari , menengok , melihat , mengintai , memastikan , mendapati , mengawasi , menyelidik , menentukan , menyemak , berjumpa , menyiasat , menonton , menetakkan
Japanese 見定める , 確認+する , みる , 確める , 見極める , 見とどける , 確かめる , 見さだめる , 見る , 確認
find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort
I want to see whether she speaks French; See whether it works; find out if he speaks Russian; Check whether the train leaves on time
私は彼女がフランス語を話すかどうか見たい; それが動くかどうか調べる; 彼がロシア語を話すかどうか調べる; 列車が定刻に出発するかどうか確認してください
Hyponym: test
Semantic Field: communicationv
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s whether INFINITIVE;  
External Links

SUMO: ⊂ Investigating

TempoWN: (Past: 0.000; Present: 0.002; Future: 0.935)

SentiWN: (+0.00 -0.12) MLSentiCon: (+0.25 -0.12)


(0.02687 seconds)
More detail about the Open Multilingual Wordnet (1.3)
This project is now integrated in the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet (1.3)
Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>