9 Results for: (Concept:07965085-n)
60028 This is the issue that politicians and bureaucrats should address as a body to respond to people .
60243 The World_Trade_Organization , the international body to monitor and promote the free trade system , is launched on January 1 .
61229 The job of an UN_Inspector is to review the operations and activities of the United_Nations_Headquarters and various UN bodies and , from a broad perspective , to provide suggestions for changes and reforms .
61328 After ten years of taking the reigns of the unification of Europe , Mr._Delors will resign from his post of President_of_the_European_Commission , the executive body of the European_Union , in January and Prime_Minister_Santer_of_Luxembourg will succeed him as the new President .
61506 Additionally , last fall , including the six major organizations on local governments such as the Association_of_Prefectural_Governors and other concerned groups , the Local_Government_System_Research_Council , an advisory body to the prime minister , private-sector members of a special task force for the Decentralization_Section under the governmental Administrative_Reform_Promotion_Office compiled reports and summaries one after the other for the subsequent submission to the central government .
100079 National Parks , the body responsible for maintaining these parks , also offers a variety of guided tours and nature trails in parks and reserves , so you can learn more about native flora and fauna and eco-conservation in Singapore .
100164 The Singapore_Tourism_Board ( " STB " ) or any of its employees , servants or agents shall not be liable for any loss suffered by any person , body or organisation as a result of any error or omission in the data , information , materials or documentation provided in the Statistical or other Publications , whether or not such loss was suffered as a result of reliance on such data , information , materials or documentation .
100169 You shall not give , re-sell , redistribute , retransmit or transfer any data , information , materials or documentation from this site in any form to any other person , body or organisation .
100504 However , as the usage of local water bodies evolved , sampans ( small wooden boats ) are no longer seen and have been replaced by wakeboarding boats , canoes and sailboats .

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