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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60021    I believe that concerning the establishment of the new party, our opinion is almost the same as that of those who are reported to be leaving our party.
60022    I cannot understand why they should leave our party now.
60023    As the chairperson, I would like to regard the unity of the party as important.
60024    I do not plan to carry out a reshuffling of the Cabinet before summoning the ordinary session of the Diet.
60025    In the time of the Hosokawa Cabinet, the reshuffling of the Cabinet was opposed on the grounds that Cabinet ministers who compiled the budget had to manage passage of its bill through the Diet.
60026    All the Cabinet members would like to review government-affiliated corporations.
60027    I would like them to continue to do it for about one year.
60028    This is the issue that politicians and bureaucrats should address as a body to respond to people.
60029    I will revise government-affiliated corporations in a transparent manner.
60030    I would like to conclude it around February 10.
60031    I will definitely do it.
60032    I will do my best within the framework of the constitution, in light of our experiences such as activities in Cambodia and others.
60033    I do not yet plan to review the issue of the Peacekeeping Force.
60034    In this 50th anniversary of the end of the war, with the paradigm of the Cold War collapsed and a new order required throughout the world, the substantial problem of the next Japan-U.S. summit meeting is how we establish a close relationship between Japan and the U.S., which leads the way in the 21st century.
60035    Our role, based on the Japan-U.S. relationship in Asia and the Pacific region, is considerably important.

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