10 Results for: (Concept:00021878-r)
10085 He had no friends at all save the wandering gipsies , and he would give these vagabonds leave to encamp upon the few acres of bramble- covered land which represent the family estate , and would accept in return the hospitality of their tents , wandering away with them sometimes for weeks on end .
10178 " Sometimes I have thought that it was merely the wild talk of delirium , sometimes that it may have referred to some band of people , perhaps to these very gipsies in the plantation .
10178 " Sometimes I have thought that it was merely the wild talk of delirium , sometimes that it may have referred to some band of people , perhaps to these very gipsies in the plantation .
11220 Sometimes he was making progress and whistled and sang at his work ; sometimes he was puzzled , and would sit for long spells with a furrowed brow and a vacant eye .
11220 Sometimes he was making progress and whistled and sang at his work ; sometimes he was puzzled , and would sit for long spells with a furrowed brow and a vacant eye .
61623 We hear that at the height of their popularity several years ago , Siberian_Huskies commanded high prices between 200,000 and 300,000_yen , but , now dubbed " bubble dogs , " they sometimes can not find a buyer even at 10,000_yen .
100036 The local version is often eaten dry , and sometimes comes with deep-fried dumplings as well .
101103 Potato or corn flour is sometimes also used to thicken it .
101619 There are two versions of this classic ; the Malay ( original ) version has a straightforward offering of ikan bilis ( fried anchovies ) and nuts , fried fish , cucumber and sometimes an egg ; whereas the Chinese version , like Chong_Pang_Nasi_Lemak and the Changi_Village_Nasi_Lemak ( take the Bus. No. 2 to the Changi_Village market to sample this unforgettable version ) have a whole bunch of things like deep fried drumstick , chicken franks , fish cake , curried vegetables and luncheon meat ( Asian Spam ) in it .
101620 Like the chicken rice , the accompanying chilli condiment can make all the difference ; sometimes the chilli and plain lemak rice is enough for a satisfying meal .

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