8 Results for: (Concept:15246353-n)
10221 干得 顺手 时候 便 一会儿 吹哨 一会儿 起来 有时 难住 一阵子 皱起 眉头 发呆

Five little livid spots , the marks of four fingers and a thumb , were printed upon the white wrist . (eng)

10413 口袋 取出 许多 跳舞 纸条 它们 书桌 下来 阵子

I remember that it was full of papers . " (eng)

11265 布满 皱纹 太阳 炙晒 发黄 充满 邪恶 神情 宽脸 一会儿 瞧瞧 一会儿 福尔摩斯 瞧瞧

He had been uneasy during all our journey from town , and I had observed that he had turned over the morning papers with anxious attention , but now this sudden realization of his worst fears left him in a blank melancholy . (eng)

11265 布满 皱纹 太阳 炙晒 发黄 充满 邪恶 神情 宽脸 一会儿 瞧瞧 一会儿 福尔摩斯 瞧瞧

He had been uneasy during all our journey from town , and I had observed that he had turned over the morning papers with anxious attention , but now this sudden realization of his worst fears left him in a blank melancholy . (eng)

11294 真象 非常 和蔼 可亲 " 福尔摩斯 哈哈大笑 块头 没有 那么 但是 假如 这儿 一会儿 看看 手劲 多少 "

" How long have you been here , Doctor ? " (eng)

11519 一会儿 我们 来到 漆黑 凉飕飕 冷风吹 脸上 朦胧 夜色 昏黄 灯光 我们 前方 闪烁 引导 我们 完成 阴郁 使命

I may have threatened her -- God forgive me ! -- but I would not have touched a hair of her pretty head . (eng)

60705 突然 关系 那儿 一下 回来 口气

" He always acts on the spur of the moment . He talks like he 's going away for a little while , like it 's no big deal . " (eng)

60805 回顾 大赛 经过 康纳 这个 杯赛 出去 长途 旅行 一下 但柏 兰特 没有 参加 大赛

Looking back , Conner declared , " The Cup just took a little journey , " but nevertheless Bertrand had been absent from the competition . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>