5 Results for: (Concept:80001711-z)
11585 なるほど あんた してやら

" Well , gentlemen , you have the drop on me this time . (eng)

11607 あんた あいつ 傷つけ っていう なら あいつ こと よく 知ら ねえ って こと

But if you think I could have hurt that woman , then you do n't know either me or her . (eng)

11628 あんた 言う よう 婦人 怪我 てる なら こいつ 描い

If the lady is hurt as bad as you say , who was it that wrote this note ? " (eng)

11648 まず あんた 理解 いただき たい あいつ 幼なじみ って こと です

" First of all , I want you gentlemen to understand that I have known this lady since she was a child . (eng)

11675 あと もう あの 少年 この 手紙 持っ カケス みたい ここ のこのこ やってき あんた 捕まっ それ だけ です

That 's God 's truth , gentlemen , every word of it , and I heard no more about it until that lad came riding up with a note which made me walk in here , like a jay , and give myself into your hands . " (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>