6 Results for: (Concept:80000350-n)
756 这个 项目 始于 1997 8 中旬 视为 早期 大教堂 市集 公开 版本 观点 有意 尝试

60123 目前 [ 韩国 政府 私下 研究 有关 议题 预定 今年 二月 中旬 福冈 召开 APEC 高级 事务级 会议 韩国 方面 提出 具体 方案

The ROK government is now preparing the agenda off-stage , and will present practical suggestions at the senior-official level APEC meeting in Fukuoka in the middle of February . (eng)

60251 萨瑟兰 先生 担任 临时 秘书长 争取 三月 中旬 作出 决定

Southerland will work as an interim director-general until the election result comes in the middle of March . (eng)

61279 中旬 理事会 事情 瑞士 法国 做出 特殊 贡献 解决

This issue was finally resolved when it was agreed that Switzerland and France would make special contributions during the Council 's meeting held in the middle of last month . (eng)

61512 目前 预计 法案 2月 中旬 国会 提出 五十 广 官房 长官 接受 新闻 采访 无论 如何 国会 通过

At present , it is expected that this bill will be proposed at the Diet by mid February , and the Chief_Cabinet_Secretary , Kozo_Igarashi , stated in an interview with the Mainichi_Newspapers that , " this bill will have to be enacted during the coming Diet session at any cost . " (eng)

100492 河畔 迎新 游园 活动 2 中旬 滨海湾 浮动 舞台 滨海 宝龙坊 举行

Held on the Marina_Bay_Floating_Platform and the Esplanade_Waterfront_Promenade in mid-February , the vicinity comes alive with the throbbing beat of lively street performances , shopping and games stalls , lanterns and fireworks a crowd favourite during Chinese_New_Year . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>