10 Results for: (Concept:80000158-n)
100346 餐厅 各种 充满 异国 情调 美味 杏仁 蛋糕 甜点 著称 喜欢 尝试 口味 美食 爱好者 提供 宠溺 自己 味蕾 理想 场所

Famed for their exotic and exciting variety of macarons , cakes and desserts , Canele is the perfect place for those who love to experiment with new flavours . (eng)

100348 准备 品味 丰富 美味 其中 包括 从未 品尝 柠檬 果馅饼 绿茶 口味

Instead , expect to be titillated by the rich selection of flavours such as the unpredictable tastes of lemon tart and green tea . (eng)

100745 云吞 主要 分为 口味 马来 口味 新加坡 口味 独特 口味

Served dry or in soup , Wanton_Mee comes in two distinct versions , the Hong_Kong-style version or the Malaysian and Singaporean version . (eng)

100745 云吞 主要 分为 口味 马来 口味 新加坡 口味 独特 口味

Served dry or in soup , Wanton_Mee comes in two distinct versions , the Hong_Kong-style version or the Malaysian and Singaporean version . (eng)

100745 云吞 主要 分为 口味 马来 口味 新加坡 口味 独特 口味

Served dry or in soup , Wanton_Mee comes in two distinct versions , the Hong_Kong-style version or the Malaysian and Singaporean version . (eng)

100745 云吞 主要 分为 口味 马来 口味 新加坡 口味 独特 口味

Served dry or in soup , Wanton_Mee comes in two distinct versions , the Hong_Kong-style version or the Malaysian and Singaporean version . (eng)

100750 新加坡 马来 口味 差别 馄饨 片片 叉烧 猪肉 翠绿 蔬菜

The Singaporean and Malaysian versions are largely similar , offering slices of Char_Siew ( barbecued pork ) , in addition to bite-sized dumplings and leafy vegetables . (eng)

100751 本土 口味 有时 供应 馄饨

The local version is often eaten dry , and sometimes comes with deep-fried dumplings as well . (eng)

100758 近年 出现 其它 口味 云吞 比如 沙捞越 哥罗面

In recent years , other variations of Wanton_Mee have made appearances , such as Kolo_Mee from Sarawak . (eng)

100786 Jaan 除了 非凡 景致 优雅 用餐 过程 引领 着法 美食 上升 全新 高度 菜肴 口味 食客 带来 惊喜 连连 菜肴 殿堂 艺术 呈现 惊艳 视觉 美感

Besides its stunning view , Jaan also takes Essentialist dining to greater heights with elegant meal courses , adding surprising touches in taste and impressive life-like interpretations of museum quality displays . (eng) Expect to enjoy dishes that revolutionise taste with a creative combination of art , whimsy and culinary mastery . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>