10 Results for: (Concept:77000104-n)
11073 If you take me , Hilton , you will take a woman who has nothing that she need be personally ashamed of , but you will have to be content with my word for it , and to allow me to be silent as to all that passed up to the time when I became yours .
11128 When you have collected some fresh evidence , come to me again .
11133 I was going out when he called me back .
11157 When I got back after my visit to you , the very first thing I saw next morning was a fresh crop of dancing men .
11166 " When I had taken the copy , I rubbed out the marks , but , two mornings later , a fresh inscription had appeared .
11175 About two in the morning I was seated by the window , all being dark save for the moonlight outside , when I heard steps behind me , and there was my wife in her dressing-gown .
11191 And yet the amazing thing is that he must have been there all the time , for when I examined the door again in the morning , he had scrawled some more of his pictures under the line which I had already seen . "
11384 When you said that , did you mean that it seemed to you to be louder than the second one ? "
11427 When the youth had been dispatched with the note , Sherlock Holmes gave his instructions to the servants .
11505 Every precaution is necessary when dealing with such a fellow .

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