10 Results for: (Concept:15249636-n)
46986 ' But your family have been with us for several generations , have they not ?
60050 It was a change of generations brought about by " external pressure , " or purging from public service by an occupation army that supported the wish and generated the power of Japan subsequently .
60065 The change of generations and deregulation change the role and quality of politicians dramatically .
60292 Moreover , his works , of which both content and form of expression subtly embody the transitions taking place in society , have consistently rattled the generations .
60457 Afterwards , the three shogi houses of Ohashi_Honke , Ohashi_Bunke and Ito carried on the name of Meijin through successive generations , and the era of the 13th Meijin_Sekine came after the turbulence of the Meiji_Restoration was overcome .
60529 After the Meiji era the strength of the other houses faded until they were closed , leaving only the House_of_Honinbo to carry on its name down the generations .
103204 Featuring recipes handing down from generation to generation , the dishes here feature a delicate blend of spices and the freshest ingredients .
103204 Featuring recipes handing down from generation to generation , the dishes here feature a delicate blend of spices and the freshest ingredients .
103368 Established in 1938 , the mooncakes here are handmade from original recipes handed down from generation to generation .
103368 Established in 1938 , the mooncakes here are handmade from original recipes handed down from generation to generation .

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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