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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60043    The Japanese government insists that "Japanese nationality is essential for public servants who execute public rights and make decisions on public matters," however, there is no rule to forbid employing non-Japanese under the Local Public Service Law.
60044    "I do not believe in the necessity of the article on nationality in managing local government. At least, there is no reason to exclude Koreans who were brought up in Japan from certification as public servants. I would like to realize this on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the last war," said Hashimoto.
60045    A young Prime Minister appears, by which people throughout the world are surprised, and abolishes complex and strict rules by a single law: This is my New Year's dream and my hope.
60046    Although many people may feel that this simple idea is too vague and fragile, this must be a proof and a message to "change Japan" to overcome the problems at the confused turning point.
60047    To do so, a dramatic change of generations will be required in a variety of fields.
60048    Japan took the first step during the postwar period 50 years ago in the historical shock of defeat and occupation.
60049    Economic restoration and return to international society was its dearest wish.
60050    It was a change of generations brought about by "external pressure," or purging from public service by an occupation army that supported the wish and generated the power of Japan subsequently.
60051    After leaders of government, bureaucrats and industries under the old political system were expelled, young members without experience had to become leaders.
60052    With many young members in their 20's and 30's participating in the political world, a new era of "postwar politics" started.
60053    Now, we are entering an era when we need a drastic reform, as we did just after the war.
60054    The bureaucrat-led system that brought about miraculous economic growth has now become an obstacle and even causes malfunctioning of the system.
60055    It seems that "bureaucrats" have become stronger than unstable politics.
60056    However, that is only superficial, and in fact I see they have lost confidence, seeking their raison d'etre.
60057    They are in addition required to address the requests of the time such as administrative reform, deregulation, and decentralization of authority.

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