7 Results for: (Concept:14411243-n)
60099 Since " the New_Democratic_League " has not changed their policy to start a preparatory committee for their own new party this month , the executive members including Wataru_Kubo , General_Secretary_of_the_SPJ , will be forced to effectively manage the party in the difficult situation in which the party may split .
61606 In conjunction with the North_Koran nuclear issue , it will not be in our best interest to leave an impression with the people of the Korean_Peninsula that Japanese businesses are taking advantage of their situation .
61654 Also , there is concern over the Chechen situation that could put his sworn ally Russian_President_Yeltsin on shaky ground .
61700 Then what is the way out of this situation ?
61744 In that sense , the situation is different from Mexico 's debt crisis in 1982 .
61756 The Mexican currency crisis was also due to the situation where the capital influx from the US that had been covering the current account deficit dwindled down or even started to leave the country .
62125 Preparation of manuals alone is not useful in real situations .

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