62118 Emergency supplies of water and food were insufficient.
62119 In contrast, there were huge piles of relief goods held up by traffic regulations, not reaching the victims.
62120 It has been reported that in the chaos there were cases where those in charge of supplies didn't have a firm grip on where the victims were taking refuge.
62121 It should not be forgotten that the heads of municipalities are persons in charge of servicing their respective residents.
62122 They must brush up their skills in crisis response and management which is linked "vertically" in the national government, the prefectural and municipal governments including utility companies such as those for electricity and gas.
62123 The government should pursue counter-disaster studies in collaboration with experts.
62124 Training is also essential.
62125 Preparation of manuals alone is not useful in real situations.
62126 Another important thing is to develop "horizontal" networks and maintain them.
62127 In the Tokyo metropolitan area, seven jurisdictions including Tokyo have entered into an agreement concerning the mutual support at the time of natural disasters.
62128 Nationwide, twelve cities including Kobe have a mutual support agreement for water supply, but the agreement did not mean much to the victims who suffered from water shortage.
62129 More closely knit networks at a lower level within municipalities to support one another are needed.
62130 For example, wards and the neighboring municipalities could put in a support system among themselves.
62131 How should daily necessities including water and food be delivered?
62132 Questions like this should be discussed and refined among the municipalities.