7 Results for: (Concept:10577284-n)
61608 这个 事件 销售商 涉嫌 遗弃 尸体 逮捕

In relation to this case , three individuals including a pet dealer have been arrested on suspicion of corpse abandonment . (eng)

61616 认为 现在 搜查 重点 遗弃 尸体 事件 嫌疑犯 销售商 公司 董事 提出 繁殖 可以 赚钱 于是 公司 董事 决定 购买 非洲 原产 大型犬 但是 弄到手 要求 解除 合同 退还 部分 费用 此时 发生 纠纷

In the case of the illegal disposal of a body that is currently the focal point of the investigation , it is believed that having been told by the dealer that " breeding dogs is lucrative , " the company executive purchased a male-female pair of large-sized dogs native to Africa , but he only received one dog and got in trouble when he asked the dealer for the cancellation of the contract and a partial refund of the payment . (eng)

100218 餐馆 外观 朴实 1970 年代 便 开始 经营 现在 摊主 儿子 接手 位置 正好 马里士他 主干道 黄埔 通道 美食 中心

Located just off the main road of Balestier Road at Whampoa Drive Food Centre, this humble stall has been around since the mid 70s and is currently been operated by the son of the owner. (eng)

100949 萝卜糕 过程 十分 有趣 摊主 煎蛋 一样 食材 切成 方块 发出 锵锵 砰砰 声音 必定 不忍 移开 目光

The process of cooking carrot cake is a fun-filled one , with hawkers chopping the omelette-like dish on their hot plates into squares ; there 's a lot of clanging sounds , chopping thuds and quite a bit of theatre , so stick around to see your dish being whipped up . (eng)

101258 作为 世纪 五六十 年代 常见 食品 路旁 街角 手推车 小贩 沿 售卖 冰球

The ice ball was a common sight in the 1950s and 1960s and was sold by the roadside and street corners , usually by pushcart drink vendors wanting to supplement their ( meagre ) income . (eng)

101510 过去 巴刹 美食 中心 随处 可见 流动 小贩 小车 行走 大街小巷 不过 景象 早已 食品 中心 固定 摊位 清风 习习 户外 餐厅 以及 干净 空调 美食 取而代之

The itinerant hawkers plying push-carts of yesteryear were once a common sight at the Lau_Pa_Sat_Festival_Market , but they 've long been replaced with a permanent food centre offering a choice of breezy , alfresco dining , or clean , air-conditioned space . (eng)

102289 多数 摊主 烹制 罗惹 沙拉 根据 食客 个人 选择 进行 调整 添加 其它 土豆 章鱼 以及 混合 蔬菜 等等

The Indian rojak can be personalised to one 's specific tastebuds as most stall vendors allow their patrons to choose the ingredients that they want which includes baked potatoes , steamed fishcakes , prawn fritters , octopus , a mix of fried greens and many more . (eng)

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