9 Results for: (Concept:08381820-n)
60001 另外 村山富市 首相 一九九五年 解散 众议院 进行 大选 可能性 表明 否定性 见解 并且 明确 否定 预定 二十日 召开 通常 国会 改组 内阁

He also responded negatively to the possibility of dissolution of the House_of_Representatives and general elections before the end of 1995 , and clearly denied a cabinet reshuffle would take place prior to the ordinary Diet session scheduled to be convened on the 20th . (eng)

60024 没有 考虑 召开 通常 国会 之前 改组 内阁

I do not plan to carry out a reshuffling of the Cabinet before summoning the ordinary session of the Diet . (eng)

60086 内阁 成立 使 长期 解决 政治 改革 税制 改革 原子弹 爆炸 受害者 援助法 困难 问题 得到 解决

After the Murayama_Cabinet was established , we completed one of the significant stages in long-standing and difficult issues , such as political reform , tax revision , the Atomic_Bomb_Victims_Relief_Law and others . (eng)

60154 新进党 要求 尽快 解散 内阁 进行 大选 似乎 调查 结果 反映 他们 非常 希望 执政党 在野党 换位 →海部 政权 诞生

Members of the NFP , which demands an early dissolution and general election , wrote Kaifu 's name with a hope of the reversal of the ruling and opposition parties and the following creation of a Kaifu administration . (eng)

60266 年底 台湾 内阁 改组 积极 主张 直接 通航 肖万长 先生 起用 担任 中国 工作

With the Cabinet reshuffle in Taiwan at the end of last year , Xiao_Wan_Chang , an advocate of the direct service , was appointed as the minister in charge of Taiwan 's policy toward China . (eng)

60642 石原 信雄 内阁 官房 长官 鸠山邦夫 劳动 大臣 甚至 评论家 作家 界屋 以及 出云市 市长 岩国 哲人 名字 谈论

Among other rumored names are Nobuo_Ishihara , Deputy_Chief_Cabinet_Secretary ; Kunio_Hatoyama , former Labor_Minister ; Taichi_Sakaiya , a critic and writer ; and Tetsundo_Iwakuni , Mayor_of_Izumo_City . (eng)

61216 首相 坚定 表示 内阁 命运 解决 这个 问题

The Prime_Minister , too , has , quite laudably enough , given his encouragement , saying that he " plans to come to grips with the matter , even placing at stake the fate of the cabinet . " (eng)

61448 内阁 提出 变革 鼓动 起来 国民 期望 其后 插入 细川护熙 首相 政治 丑闻 退出 羽田 政权 转移 过程 完全 烟消 云散

The people 's rising expectations placed on the " reform " that the Hosokawa_Cabinet had put up were totally and completely blown away later during the transition from the Hata administration to the Murayama administration subsequent to Prime_Minister_Hosokawa 's resignation over a political scandal . (eng)

61512 目前 预计 法案 2月 中旬 国会 提出 五十 广 官房 长官 接受 新闻 采访 无论 如何 国会 通过

At present , it is expected that this bill will be proposed at the Diet by mid February , and the Chief_Cabinet_Secretary , Kozo_Igarashi , stated in an interview with the Mainichi_Newspapers that , " this bill will have to be enacted during the coming Diet session at any cost . " (eng)

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