10 Results for: (Concept:07844042-n)
10399 He took up a small saucer of milk which stood on the top of it .
10403 Well , a cheetah is just a big cat , and yet a saucer of milk does not go very far in satisfying its wants , I daresay .
10586 He had trained it , probably by the use of the milk which we saw , to return to him when summoned .
10591 The sight of the safe , the saucer of milk , and the loop of whipcord were enough to finally dispel any doubts which may have remained .
60403 Some households go so far as to have the maid instead of the mother sleep with the baby or give the baby milk repeatedly through the night .
101174 This may entail carrying a pot of milk , but mortification of the flesh by piercing the skin , tongue or cheeks with skewers is also common a sign of their faith to the religion .
101207 If you want to bask in the richness of the Indian culture , sit by any of the coffee shops along Little_India and order a teh tarik ( frothy milk tea ) .
101251 If you 're hungry , have some teh tarik ( frothy milk tea ) , munch on some lovely kuihs ( Malay desserts ) or have some delicious nasi padang ( rice with a mixed selection of dishes ) here .
103273 The first batches of devotees usually carry milk pots and wooden Kavadis .
103276 The milk they have been carrying is then offered to Lord Subrahmanya at the Sri_Thendayuthapani_Temple .

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