2 Results for: (Concept:05198132-n)
60241 汉城 负责 外交 安全 人士 认为 没有 正式 场合 露面 金正日 书记 为了 作为 最高 权力 形象 通过 电视 国内外 留下 印象 可能 露面

Consequently , the diplomatic security source in Seoul believes that it is highly probable that Kim_Jong_Il , who has not been officially seen for about two months , will appear in front of TV to impress the North_Koreans and foreign countries as " Supreme Commander . " (eng)

62030 特别是 村山 政权 轨道 时期 上次 演说 相比 微妙 差异 或者是 没有 力量 表现 尤其 显著

In particular , comparing to the last speech that was delivered at the time when the Murayama administration was on the right track , a subtle difference in phrasing and reserved expressions was noticeable . (eng)

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