10 Results for: (Concept:04856308-n)
60241 汉城 负责 外交 安全 人士 认为 没有 正式 场合 露面 金正日 书记 为了 作为 最高 权力 形象 通过 电视 国内外 留下 印象 可能 露面

Consequently , the diplomatic security source in Seoul believes that it is highly probable that Kim_Jong_Il , who has not been officially seen for about two months , will appear in front of TV to impress the North_Koreans and foreign countries as " Supreme Commander . " (eng)

61369 根据 [ 国立 亚马逊 研究所 州立 医院 医师们 调查 显示 淘金者 渔民 毛发 血液 中检 测出 超过 世界 保健 机构 安全 标准 达到 危险 程度

According to the studies conducted by the National_Institute_of_Amazon_Research and physicians at state hospitals , a dangerous level of mercury exceeding the safety standard defined by the World_Health_Organization has been found in the hair and blood of gold diggers and fishing people . (eng)

61375 开展 政府 合作 之前 [ 熊本 大学 教授 原田 [ 水俣 协立 病院 医生 藤野札 [ 东京 大学 环境 安全 研究 中心 教授 中西准子 水俣病 受害者 辩护团 联络 会议 民间 人士 组织 亚马逊 进行 实际 调查 调查 研究 先行 值得

In advance of the intergovernmental cooperation , we wish to make special mention of the private organizations and citizens who made explorations into the Amazon and getting a head-start on investigations and research , including Masazumi_Harada , Assistant_Professor at the University_of_Kumamoto , Tadashi_Fujino_MD_of_the_Minamata_Kyoritsu_Hospital , Junko_Nakanishi , Professor at the Center_for_Environmental_Safety in the University_of_Tokyo , the National_Liaison_Conference_of_Minamata_Disease_Victims and Defense_Counsel , and other concerned parties . (eng)

61900 预想 预测 来说 之所以 许多 受到 冲击 因为 不断 灌输 因为 地震 国家 所以 建筑物 防震 结构 世界 第一 安全 信赖 大大 动摇

If we comment on that prediction , what shocked many people was that after persistently hearing that " because there are so many earthquakes in this country , Japan has the best quake-resistant structures in the world , " their faith in their safety had been badly shaken . (eng)

61903 政府 派遣 调查团 2月份 汇总 报告书 但是 结论 没有 应该 吸取 教训 日本 建筑物 安全 只是 指出 美国 标准 宽松性

While the government sent a group of researchers to the US and prepared a report in February , it concluded that , " there is no lesson to be learned and the structures in Japan are safe , " pointing out that America has weak standards . (eng)

61997 阪神 地震 高速 公路 干线 安全 神话 崩溃

The Great_Hanshin_Earthquake has wiped out the myth of safety in relation to expressways and bullet trains . (eng)

62040 特别是 处理 问题 开始于 容忍 自卫队 安全 保障 重复 妥协 可以 社会党 特色 最后 堡垒 课题

Particularly , after having made numerous concessions starting with the acceptance of the Self-Defense_Forces and the Japan-US_Security_Treaty , healing the wounds of war is the issue that could be called the last bastion of the Social_Democratic_Party to assert its identity . (eng)

62066 阪神 地震 我们 提出 干线 高速 公路 安全 神话 崩溃

What the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake forced us to see was a destruction of the myth about the safety of the bullet trains and expressways . (eng)

62070 面对 地震 日本 列岛 建成 更加 安全 国家 全面 检查 加固 设施 作为 重点

An overhaul and reinforcement of the various facilities to make the Japanese archipelago safer against seismic activities must be the top priority . (eng)

62093 进攻 车臣 践踏 应该 规定 冷战 欧洲 大陆 国际 关系 基本法 欧洲 安全 合作 会议 巴黎 宪章 倡导 和平 解决 纷争 尊重 少数 民族 权利 包藏 断言 国内 问题 问题

The Russian invasion of Chechnya trampled on the " peaceful resolution of conflicts " and " respect for the rights of ethnic minorities " advocated in the Charter_of_Paris_of_the_Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe , which should be described as the fundamental law to define international relations on the European continent after the Cold_War , and has an element that can not be dismissed as an internal matter . (eng)

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