10 Results for: (Concept:04466613-n)
100077 Be it a leisurely walk along a nature trail , cycling around the island , paintballing , bungee jumping or outdoor rock climbing , the numerous venues around Singapore offer you many highs .
100078 There are numerous hikes and trails scattered all around the island , including within the heart of the city ; all in close proximity to one another .
100079 National Parks , the body responsible for maintaining these parks , also offers a variety of guided tours and nature trails in parks and reserves , so you can learn more about native flora and fauna and eco-conservation in Singapore .
100083 Weaving through the busy urban traffic might be a tad challenging for the average biker , so just give that a miss and head for the myriad cycling trails and park connectors around the city for a safe , conducive two-wheel trek to unravel the nooks and crannies of wonderful Singapore .
100084 Formerly a quarry , Ketam_Mountain_Bike_Park in Pulau_Ubin ( an island off eastern Singapore ) has an area of 45 hectares , contains the best of biking trails in Singapore in Pulau_Ubin .
100085 Built according to International_Mountain_Biking_Association ( IMBA ) Standards , there are 10km of trails with five levels of difficulty to cater to all types of cyclists , from beginners to seasoned competitors .
101130 Just off the Southern_Ridges trail , Gillman_Village is home to the idyllic Villa_Bali , designed with nature and relaxation in mind .
101165 This trail leads to Hort_Park , a lifestyle gardening hub , a one-stop centre for recreational , educational , research and retail activities in a park setting .
101410 On your trip here , remember to take a walk along one of the many heritage trails or visit the well-known landmarks for a complete Singapore journey .
101414 The Chinatown trail brings you on a journey of interesting and surprising finds , beginning at Pagoda_Street .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>