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Singapore Tourism: Your Singapore (yoursing) - Outdoor Sports (outdoor-sports)

100076    Conquer the outdoors
100077    Be it a leisurely walk along a nature trail, cycling around the island, paintballing, bungee jumping or outdoor rock climbing, the numerous venues around Singapore offer you many highs.
100078    There are numerous hikes and trails scattered all around the island, including within the heart of the city; all in close proximity to one another.
100079    National Parks, the body responsible for maintaining these parks, also offers a variety of guided tours and nature trails in parks and reserves, so you can learn more about native flora and fauna and eco-conservation in Singapore.
100080    You can also join a group on a one-hour walk along Lower Pierce Trail and Prunes Trail in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, and help restore degraded area of rainforest by removing dangerous weeds.
100081    If you are fit trekker and game for a more challenging walk, how about attempting the 10.3km hike into MacRitchie Reservoir, where you will be treated to a scenic view of lush jungle canopy when you cross the longest suspension bridge in Singapore.
100082    Unleash the eco warrior in you—pump up the pedal and circumnavigate around the island on a bicycle.
100083    Weaving through the busy urban traffic might be a tad challenging for the average biker, so just give that a miss and head for the myriad cycling trails and park connectors around the city for a safe, conducive two-wheel trek to unravel the nooks and crannies of wonderful Singapore.
100084    Formerly a quarry, Ketam Mountain Bike Park in Pulau Ubin (an island off eastern Singapore) has an area of 45 hectares, contains the best of biking trails in Singapore in Pulau Ubin.
100085    Built according to International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) Standards, there are 10km of trails with five levels of difficulty to cater to all types of cyclists, from beginners to seasoned competitors.
100086    Like the very best American pop cultural exports, paintballing has rapidly grown into a mainstay on the Singapore recreational industry, with numerous battlegrounds sprouting all over the country.
100087    Extremely popular with corporate organizations that use the sport to build team spirit and camaraderie, the contagious paintball fever has also spread to large groups of visitors out seek an adrenaline fix with a twist while on their travels.
100088    The usual haunts are Singapore’s largest paintball arena Red Dynasty Paintball Park in Lorong Chencharu’s Bottle Tree Park and TAG Paintball at Bukit Timah’s Turf City.
100089    Bungee jumping in the city and in the reverse direction?
100090    Only in Singapore, right.

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