10 Results for: (Concept:04424418-n)
10104 残し くれ お金 欲しい もの でも 買える ほど あり まし たち 幸せ 障害 ない よう 思え です

The money which my mother had left was enough for all our wants , and there seemed to be no obstacle to our happiness . " (eng)

10435 必要 もの いつも 自分 たち 取っ まし から

We used always to get what we wanted for ourselves . " (eng)

10452 通気 最近 もの です 婦人 言っ

" That is also quite modern , " said the lady . (eng)

10455 これら まったく 面白い 代物 です 呼び鈴 そして 通気 でき ない 通気

" They seem to have been of a most interesting character -- dummy bell- ropes , and ventilators which do not ventilate . (eng)

10458 折り畳み ベッド 技術 内容 埋まっ 小さな 木製 ベッド そば 肘掛け 椅子 壁際 質素 椅子 丸い テーブル 大きな 金庫 など 触れ もの だっ

A camp-bed , a small wooden shelf full of books , mostly of a technical character , an armchair beside the bed , a plain wooden chair against the wall , a round table , and a large iron safe were the principal things which met the eye . (eng)

10481 注意 引い もの ベッド 一角 下げ られ 小さな だっ

The object which had caught his eye was a small dog lash hung on one corner of the bed . (eng)

10486 こいつ そんなに ありふれ もの ない

" That is not quite so common , is it ? (eng)

10544 同じ もの しか ない

I imagine that you saw all that I did . " (eng)

10545 呼び鈴 以外 なる もの なかっ あれ 正直 言っ 分から ない

" I saw nothing remarkable save the bell- rope , and what purpose that could answer I confess is more than I can imagine . " (eng)

10554 それ よほど 小さい もの なけれ 検視 調査 明らか なっ はず

It could only be a small one , or it would have been remarked upon at the coroner 's inquiry . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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