5 Results for: (Concept:03598151-n)
60781 顺风 使用 船帆

This sail is used when there is a tailwind . (eng)

60796 称作 船帆 船帆 恶魔 对手 恐惧 康纳 作为 指挥官 具有 出众 才能 第二十四 大赛 自由 夺杯 动力

Conner 's ability as skipper was excellent and he was feared as " a sailor among sailors " and " the devil behind the rudder , " and it was this ability that propelled him to victory in the 24th America_'s_Cup with the yacht Freedom . (eng)

60796 称作 船帆 船帆 恶魔 对手 恐惧 康纳 作为 指挥官 具有 出众 才能 第二十四 大赛 自由 夺杯 动力

Conner 's ability as skipper was excellent and he was feared as " a sailor among sailors " and " the devil behind the rudder , " and it was this ability that propelled him to victory in the 24th America_'s_Cup with the yacht Freedom . (eng)

60812 但是 一贯 坚持 扬帆 行驶 科学 观点 科克 船体 船帆 管理 比赛 相关 一切 实行 高科技化

Nevertheless , Koch , believing in the theory that " sailing is science , " looked to advanced technology to meet all his needs in his Cup challenge , including the boat , sailing and management . (eng)

60828 虽然 长度 过去 没有 变化 改进 船帆 性能 提高 可以 开创 现代 美国 杯赛 时代

The overall length of the yachts did not change from until then , but with each competition the efficiency of the sails improved , and this could be said to be the beginning of the modern America_'s_Cup era . (eng)

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