6 Results for: (Concept:03335600-n)
11047 It consists of a number of absurd little figures dancing across the paper upon which they are drawn .
11092 About a week ago -- it was the Tuesday of last week -- I found on one of the window-sills a number of absurd little dancing figures like these upon the paper .
11131 The interview left Sherlock Holmes very thoughtful , and several times in the next few days I saw him take his slip of paper from his notebook and look long and earnestly at the curious figures inscribed upon it .
11219 For two hours I watched him as he covered sheet after sheet of paper with figures and letters , so completely absorbed in his task that he had evidently forgotten my presence .
11444 It is true that in some cases the figure was bearing a flag , and in some cases not , but it was probable , from the way in which the flags were distributed , that they were used to break the sentence up into words .
103542 It 's a powerful figure that is not just worth taking many snapshots of , but its sheer size will simply awe and inspire not just devotees , but anyone who can appreciate marvellous architecture .

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