10 Results for: (Concept:02743921-v)
10499 " That is our signal , " said Holmes , springing to his feet ; " it comes from the middle window . "
10530 From outside came the occasional cry of a night-bird , and once at our very window a long drawn catlike whine , which told us that the cheetah was indeed at liberty .
60078 I wish my New_Year 's dream will come true in this " year of choice " of the 50th anniversary of the end of the war .
60251 Southerland will work as an interim director-general until the election result comes in the middle of March .
60457 Afterwards , the three shogi houses of Ohashi_Honke , Ohashi_Bunke and Ito carried on the name of Meijin through successive generations , and the era of the 13th Meijin_Sekine came after the turbulence of the Meiji_Restoration was overcome .
60479 The following year , the 21-year old Koji_Tanigawa came blazing in like a ball of fire , defeating Kato to become the youngest ever Meijin in history .
60697 Around 7:20 p.m. , December 31 , a karaoke house owner found smoke coming out of a post box on the street of Honmachi 1-chome , Kisshoji , Musashino_of_Tokyo , and police officers from a police box of Musashino_Police_Station , located at the east exit of Kisshoji_Station , extinguished the fire with water in a bucket .
61005 My interpreter in Mito , Gwen_Le_Hoa said , " Since the completion of the North-South power lines , electricity has come to delta towns that did not have light before , " as she pointed to an island in the middle of the river .
61661 In recollecting the dull tone of the summit with the active communication at the working level between Japan and the US for the past several months , one particular scenario has come to the forefront .
104331 The cruises that arrive and depart Singapore come from a myriad of exciting destinations such as Vietnam , Hong_Kong , Thailand , Indonesia and India , forming a mosaic of cultures and delights around the region .

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