5 Results for: (Concept:02729023-v)
60472 大山 一九五九年 重新 夺回 名人 地位 先后 战胜 升田 为首 新秀 加藤 一二三 山田 道美 弟子 有吉 道夫 实现 十三 加上 以前 保持 十八 名人 地位

In 1959 , Oyama made a comeback and reclaimed the Meijin title by successively repulsing Masuda and the powerful newcomers , Tatsuya_Futakami , Hifumi_Kato , Michiyoshi_Yamada , and fellow Kimi prodigies such as Michio_Ariyoshi to hold 13 consecutive Meijin titles , 18 in all with the addition of his earlier titles . (eng)

60858 擅长 比赛 拉塞尔・库茨 实力 水手 阵容 强大

The crew is made up of outstanding members such as Russell_Coutts , who is formidable in match races . (eng)

61506 进而 去年 秋季 全国 知事会 地方 团体 作为 首相 咨询 机构 地方 制度 调查会 政府 行政 改革 推进 总部 地方 分权 小组 民间 专员 相继 整理 意见书 纲要 提交 政府

Additionally , last fall , including the six major organizations on local governments such as the Association_of_Prefectural_Governors and other concerned groups , the Local_Government_System_Research_Council , an advisory body to the prime minister , private-sector members of a special task force for the Decentralization_Section under the governmental Administrative_Reform_Promotion_Office compiled reports and summaries one after the other for the subsequent submission to the central government . (eng)

61844 派别 斗争 领袖 河野 作为 再生 旗手 推举 出任 总裁 如实 表现 自民党 危机感 大会 提出 重新 审视 基本 路线 强化 自净 能力 消除 派别 斗争 是否 引进 退休 制度 许多 改革 研究 课题

For Mr._Kono , who was not a factional leader , to be made the leader as the banner man of the party revitalization gave a true account of the sense of crisis within the LDP , and numerous issues to be discussed concerning party reform such as the review of the fundamental direction of the party , the strengthening of self-purification capability , the elimination of factions , and whether or not to adopt a mandatory retirement system , were brought up at the convention . (eng)

61973 据说 听取 村山富市 首相 施政 方针 演说 代表 提问 以及 预算 委员会 在野 新进党 海部 俊树 党首 推举 明天 内阁 阁员 挑起 类型 论战

It has been reported that during the question period and the appropriation committee meeting following the administrative policy speech by Prime_Minister_Tomiichi_Murayama , the opposition New_Frontier_Party will introduce the Ministers of the " Tomorrow Cabinet " led by the party head Toshiki_Kaifu and will challenge the government with a debate in an unconventional way . (eng)

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