5 Results for: (Concept:02655698-v)
61381 诉讼 延迟 加速 人们 远离 司法 进而 成为 保障 接受 审判 权利 重大 障碍

Delayed court cases accelerate people 's detachment from the law and , furthermore , it will become a significant obstacle to safeguard " the right of access to court . " (eng)

61442 [ 新闻社 实施 舆论 调查 显示 回答 支持 政党 44% 9月份 调查 增加 百分点 选举权 远离 政治 倾向 益发 加速

According to the opinion poll conducted last month by the Mainichi_Newspapers , 44 percent of respondents " do not support any party , " up 3 percent over the previous survey in September , thus indicating the further acceleration of voters ' " estrangement from politics . " (eng)

61909 偶尔 地震 没有 袭击 人口 密集 城市 并且 震中 地区 远离 大陆 所以 使 人们 产生 怠慢

We wonder if there was a negligence among those involved as none of those four quakes struck overpopulated cities and , in addition , all of the epicenters were far away from land . (eng)

102719 如果 甘榜 格南 看看 苏丹 回教堂 那么 便 完整

A visit to Singapore's Kampong Glam district is not complete without a stop at Sultan_Mosque . (eng)

102808 人们 认为 只有 心灵 摆脱 物质 欲望 身体 远离 物质 享乐 时候 信徒 没有 痛楚 情况 完成 神圣 使命

It is believed that only when the mind is free of material wants and the body free from physical pleasures that a devotee can undertake the sacred task without feeling any pain . (eng)

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