5 Results for: (Concept:02635033-v)
11349 Two have been fired and two wounds inflicted , so that each bullet can be accounted for . "
60163 On the other hand , those who did not give any name , including those who answered " I do not know , " accounted for as much as 36_% , which clearly showed that many lower house members had the idea , " It is impossible to predict one year ahead , " in today 's fluxing political situation , with three different prime ministers in one year .
60373 They account for approximately two percent of the Hong_Kong population of six_million , and constitute the largest population of foreigners in Hong_Kong .
60449 The increasing numbers of American and Canadian residents is presumed to be partially accounted for by emigrants making a " U-turn " and returning to live in Hong_Kong after obtaining citizenship elsewhere .
60960 Presently , electricity from the Nam_Ngum_Dam is exported to Thailand , accounting for one-quarter of Laos ' foreign currency .

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