10 Results for: (Concept:02297948-v)
10095 My stepfather learned of the engagement when my sister returned and offered no objection to the marriage ; but within a fortnight of the day which had been fixed for the wedding , the terrible event occurred which has deprived me of my only companion . "
11391 If you will kindly step round with me , we shall see what fresh evidence the garden has to offer . "
61464 Politicians changed their party labels as they pleased depending on the circumstances in their ridings and there is a concern that the campaigns offering free frills to voters and bankrolled elections exceeding that for middle-sized election districts may become rampant in small districts .
61684 To turn the Japanese economy around , Nikkeiren emphasizes that no wage increase must be offered for the time being .
61741 While the US government and the Federal_Reserve_Board_of_Governors have promised loan and financing guarantees of 40 forty_billion_dollars , the Mexican government has announced to offer oil revenues as a security for the loan guarantee ; the exchange market finally calmed down last weekend .
61939 Fortunately , water , food , medical supplies and daily necessities have been offered continuously from private corporations and the public .
61954 Offers of help continue to come from abroad and the United_Nations .
62052 It is said that the prompt decision made by the government and the Bank_of_Japan to offer financial measures that were subsequently delivered as a comprehensive package helped to stabilize the public 's mind .
100474 In fact , Singapore is a bustling cosmopolitan city that offers a world-class living environment , with her landscape populated by high-rise buildings and gardens .
100886 The Four_Seasons_Collection offers a range of beautifully sculptured oriental pieces , with each of them bearing the Four_Seasons signature - flowers symbolising each season .

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