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Singapore Tourism: Your Singapore (yoursing) - Soothe & Recover (soothe-and-recover)

100467    One of the greatest open secrets in the world is how to attain good health, and if you don’t know by now, it’s simply to eat right, exercise and be happy.
100468    In Singapore, there’s a wide array of healthcare services and medicinal products to help you achieve this triune concept of good well-being.
100469    Medical professionals like doctors, nutritionists and dieticians would be the best people to advise you on eating right and an exercise regime, but for a more old-fashioned approach, you can try traditional medicines used by generations before.
100470    And to stay happy and stress-free, pamper yourself with a soothing spa massage or reflexology treatment every now and then. - About Singapore (aboutsingapore)

100471    About Singapore
100472    All you need to know about this island
100473    Some refer to her as the “little red dot”, but Singapore’s presence in the world today is larger than that moniker.
100474    In fact, Singapore is a bustling cosmopolitan city that offers a world-class living environment, with her landscape populated by high-rise buildings and gardens.
100475    One interesting facet you’ll discover about Singapore is a ubiquitous collage of cultures, where people of different ethnicities and beliefs coexist.
100476    Besides a vibrant multicultural experience, there’s more you can discover about Singapore. - Singlish Guide (singlish-guide)

100477    Singlish Guide
100478    A Guide to Understanding Our Local Slang
100479    While it may not be recognised in the world as a formal language, a bit of knowledge on Singlish is definitely essential when travelling around Singapore.
100480    It is a unique blend of English, Chinese, Malay, Tamil and local dialects.
100481    To some, it is a beautiful language that proudly displays the multi-cultural character of our society; to others, it is a colloquialism so full of grammatical errors that it makes you squirm each time you hear it.

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