7 Results for: (Concept:01013961-a)
291 最后 修订 2000 11 时候 已经 287 成员 而且 增加

11069 名字 海伦·斯托纳 继父 在一起 萨里郡 西部 边界 斯托克莫兰 罗伊洛特 家族 英国 古老 撒克逊 家族 之一 最后 生存者

If you take me , Hilton , you will take a woman who has nothing that she need be personally ashamed of , but you will have to be content with my word for it , and to allow me to be silent as to all that passed up to the time when I became yours . (eng)

11074 最后 地主 那里 苟延残喘 着落 王孙 可悲 生活

" Well we have been married now for a year , and very happy we have been . (eng)

11391 最后 走到 目不转睛 打量 好一会 下来 回瞅

" I thought so , " said he , " the revolver had an ejector , and here is the third cartridge . (eng)

60003 认为 俄罗斯 方面 已经 进入 控制 首都 最后 阶段

The Russian force seems to have reached its final stage to take control of the capital . (eng)

60466 年轻 选手 急起直追 脚步声 奋发图强 第二 四九年 [ 皇宫 济宁馆 最后 夺回 名人 地位

Kimura , aroused by the up-and-coming players nipping at his heels , fought his way to a rematch with Tsukada the following year in 1949 and reclaimed the title in the last game at the Saineikan_Hall_of_the_Imperial_Palace . (eng)

60801 第六 回合 比赛 柏兰特 巧妙 利用 吹动 成绩 拉成 平局 最后 41 获胜

Bertrand tied the competition in the sixth race by deftly maneuvering the wind , and then won the last race by a mere 41_seconds . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>