10 Results for: (Concept:00577525-n)
60244 It monitors trade as a whole under a unified rule , including areas such as agriculture , service and intellectual property right , which were excluded under the GATT.
60260 This happens also because a cargo ship service is not allowed between the two countries .
60266 With the Cabinet reshuffle in Taiwan at the end of last year , Xiao_Wan_Chang , an advocate of the direct service , was appointed as the minister in charge of Taiwan 's policy toward China .
60267 Many people have a view that the US made the move judging that the direct service will be realized soon .
60268 Though China , opposing Pena 's visit to Taiwan , rejected his visit , which was originally scheduled in January , it is China that wants the direct service the most .
60275 The financial services negotiations of the Japan-US_Framework_for_New_Economic_Partnership in Seattle closed on the 30th with specifics undecided , carrying the end result over to new year 's meeting .
60687 Around 3:25 p.m. of December 31 , the Tokyo head office of Asahi_Shimbun ( 5-chome , Tsukiji , Chuo-ku , Tokyo ) reported to the Tsukiji_Police_Station , " Two suspicious cardboard boxes were delivered by courier service . "
61181 Those industries other than the manufacturing industry such as agricultural and service fall in such areas .
61204 The first commercial takuhaibin services ( door-to-door parcel delivery service by truck ) were in 1976 .
61204 The first commercial takuhaibin services ( door-to-door parcel delivery service by truck ) were in 1976 .

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