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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: Editorial (kc02)

61197    During this process of reorganization, some manufacturers will go ahead and relocate abroad.
61198    Let's say it is unavoidable, however, the question of whether or not new industries to replace those leaving Japan will spring up.
61199    This is where deregulation can play an important role.
61200    We wonder if some businesses with the potential to generate new demand are trapped in the net of regulations?
61201    There has to be some new businesses trying to find a way to get out of the iron triangle of politicians, bureaucrats and businesses.
61202    The orange juice that over the last year or two appeared on our breakfast tables has now opened up new markets.
61203    The deregulation that has resulted in the removal of the import limitations for orange juice has brought about a reduction of 30 to 40 per cent in the price one pays for this product.
61204    The first commercial takuhaibin services (door-to-door parcel delivery service by truck) were in 1976.
61205    When Mr. Ogura Masao, who originally came up with the idea for this epoch-making service, first made his application for establishing shipping charges for this small-lot parcel delivery business the Ministry of Transport did not accept his application documents.
61206    The reason was that there had been no precedent for this type of business undertaking.
61207    The bureaucrats in the Transport Ministry had not become aware that the demand for the transport of goods was shifting toward "smaller lots," was undergoing a shift, in other words, from "industrial demand" toward much greater "consumer demand."
61208    This is surely an example of how bureaucrats have obstructed creative ideas put forward by private enterprises.
61209    The stir which Mr. Ogura made eventually gave rise to a large new industry, and at the same time it kindled discussions that led to taking a new look at ways in which the "Enterprises Law" regulated various branches of business and industry.
61210    We too are in favor of taking a fundamental new look at business regulations.
61211    It is not the sort of age where bureaucrats should control business and industry.

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